

YSP is a global network of young people working to bridge the geographical, cultural and religious disparities for a more peaceful and better future and to improve the quality of human relationships.

Our goals


  • Develop a global peace network for young people across national, cultural and religious borders.
  • Strengthening individuals and families through character building and respectful communication
  • Promote a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle
  • Promotion of international exchange programs for young people
  • Promoting good governance through collaboration with the United Nations, national and regional governments, and nonprofit and religious organizations. Among other things, promote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

Our programs



Intercultural and interreligious programs

Our goal is to create a safe environment where the youth of different cultures and religions can freely share their views, faith, and opinions, without meeting hostility. Thus we have the opportunity to get to know each other’s world view, faith better and more in-depth, potentially discovering common points, and learning something new with every conversation.


PDT projects (peace designer table)

Look around in the world, in your direct environment! What do you see that seems like it needs a bit of attention? These projects offer an opportunity to create a team out of enthusiastic young people, to give way to our imagination in order to find new creative solutions to problems! No matter whether we are talking about the worn-out fence of a local kindergarten, sustainability education in classrooms, or fixing up public playgrounds, nothing is impossible! Let’s brainstorm, plan, and realise the project together!



With these projects, we would like to develop regular activities that support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. For the sake of ourselves and for future generations, without any affiliation to politics or anyone’s interests.

INTERActive lectures

Our everyday relationships: family, friends, marriage, love, and many other important topics that usually might not be discussed, but here we are going to. Questions that every young adult struggles with, while they slowly become more and more responsible for their own lives. Slowly the whole future is theirs, but with this comes greater responsibility.  Such questions are discussed with different guest lecturers during our regular lectures.


Our Team

Jaquelin Nanys


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Krisztián kecskés


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu dignissim tortor, sit amet bibendum lacus.



sandra skrodzki


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